TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Saturday June 14

Just finished the 5K race and I am sad to report that once again, there were no Americans in the top ten.  Haha.  In fact, most of the children 12 and under beat all our runners.  But we had fun and had the opportunity for Jon to give a clear gospel message and were able to give out cash prizes, watches, running shoes and sports bags to the winners.  I am having trouble getting pictures to load and can't even tell when I do upload them if you can see them on here.  Please leave a comment so I know if it's working.

Everyone is doing great and we are really enjoying getting to know these students better.   I am happy to report there are currently no illnesses or tummy troubles of any kind.  In fact! The only injuries to date are myself, when I whacked myself in the face with a thorny tree after just telling everyone to watch out for it, and Joanna, who tripped on grass while watching the race and needed a band aid.  In both cases, it was more of a pride injury than anything else.  Lol.

Anyway, This is a great group of kids and you would all be so proud of them.  They all did a great job giving their testimonies last night at local schools.  We came back and had dinner and our devotions and then a little birthday party for Amanda.    I think she was slightly horrified that we made her stand still and get 17 kisses on the cheek from our boys last night in celebration.  Then we had chocolate to celebrate with her.

We are about to have lunch and then head down to our worksite for the week...digging a latrine here on the Scott campus.  Tomorrow we will be going to four different churches in teams and enjoying a real African worship service; my personal favorite part of the trip....besides the orphanage, and the school for disabled, and visiting the Masaai, and VBS.

We are really enjoying our time here serving.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers.


  1. Thanks for the updates, Jenni! The pictures are just showing up as a white box. Glad everyone is doing well!

  2. Hi Jenni - The status and updates are wonderful! Thank you so much. I feel like I am there physically with you all. ;) When I tried to view the picture in the white box, it said unknown protocol and the name was tagged as imagejpeg. Maybe, image.jpeg will work?

  3. Hi Jenni! So glad you all arrived safely and so far everyone is well. watch out for the thorn trees! I am only getting a white box too. Dad sends his love and we are praying for you all!
    Love you, Mom
