TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday, June 13

Jambo from Africa.  It is now Friday night here and we are just about to have dinner.  We got settled in late last night after 1am Kenya time.  This morning we had breakfast around 8 and then had our morning devotional.  Our student guides from Scott came to greet us and took us on a tour of the campus.  We went to visit the kids at the Kindergarten that we helped build a couple of years ago.

We had a break for lunch and a little free time and then broke into four groups and went to four different local schools.  Each of our TCA students shared their testimonies with local high school groups of about 300-500 students.  Now all are back having dinner and watching a little futbol with the locals in the cafeteria.  We will finish the night with our devotional meeting and a little celebration for our birthday girl Amanda, since we were on a plane or bus yesterday during her real birthday.

The wifi connection has been a little patchy so don't panic if you don't hear from us here or there.  We are all well and safe and happy and excited about being here to serve!  I tried to upload a picture but I can't tell if it worked or not.  It is just showing a white box here.  But everyone in the picture looks fabulous if you can't see it.


Jenni for the group.

p.s.  Our security detail met us last night at the airport along with the Scott pastor and our guides and they are wonderful.  We appreciate the TCA board and administration taking such extra special care of us and feel very safe.

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