TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 15

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there!  Especially to my own dad, Eugene Green and to my father in law, Bill Millet.

We had an awesome morning this morning worshipping in three different church services.  Jon and I had Max, Auggie, Will, Addy, Joanna and Amanda with us at our church up in the hills.  Our Scott guide, Bariki, went with us and translated for us.  Will and Addy both shared their testimonies and then Max and Auggie played guitar while the others helped sing a couple of songs to them.  Jon preached an amazing sermon that encouraged all the members and then they fed us lunch.  Jon's cousin, Steve Wolcott, preached here at the Scott  Community Church and I know that Chris Fox did a couple of songs on the piano for them as well.  Our good friend, Jerry Fudge preached at the third church and I heard the students with him did a great job sharing testimonies and singing as well.

So right now the group just left in the Scott bus to go visit the Woodcarvers Village where we like to shop for fun traditional souvenirs.  I stayed back to try to work on the blog and get some pictures on there.  I finally made a photobucket album and just put a link on the blog page so it should automatically update whenever we add photos to the album.  Sorry about the blank white boxes earlier.  I'm having trouble getting everything to work the same from my iPad, which I brought this year instead of the laptop.

Everyone will be back for dinner around 6 and then we will spend the evening working on getting ready for day one of VBS tomorrow.  We will probably be up late rehearsing all the skits, practicing music, and getting the crafts, decor and games all prepared.  Please pray for that to go well and that many area kids who need to learn about God will attend.  We will be doing 4 days of VBS every afternoon at 4, Monday through Thursday.  Last year, we had almost
 350 in attendance.  Since there are only 26 of us on our team this year, we could use some prayers for crowd control.  We are looking forward to a good turnout and drawing in some families who do not have a church home, to attend Scott Church where they can learn more about Christ and become followers.

Oh, last thing: Will and Auggie wrote a great song about Kenya last night.  I have it on video and will see if I can get it to upload on here along with Amanda's birthday celebration..  Thank you so much for continuing to cover us in prayer!  We feel the support of our community back home.


Jenni for the group

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