TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25

So tonight is our last official night in Kenya!  Jon and I are really going to miss this group of people! We have all been through a lot together.  Today was a great relaxing day.  We saw a lion, some elephant, SOME of us saw a cheetah, lots of antelope, Pumba, zebra, giraffe, Cape buffalo, rhino, eagle, jackals...   Pretty amazing day.  We finished the night with a long sharing and worship time and  communion.

Tomorrow we will have an early morning game drive, breakfast, take the annual group photos, and then head in the jeeps back to Thika to pick up our extra luggage (we stored it in our hotel while on safari).  We will have a several hours before we need to get to the airport so we are going to a different hotel there that has some waterfalls and gift shops to spend some time together before our flight back.

Jon and I will be with the group on the flight to Amsterdam and then we are going to say goodbye there and hop off to spend a couple of days alone together.  The group will be in good hands with all the other sponsors and I know you all will be glad to have them back home.  Thank you for sharing them with us these past couple of weeks.  I know most of them are coming back changed!


Jenni for the Group

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday, June 24

Resting peacefully at our camp in Ol Pejeta near Mount Kenya.  Today we saw the critically endangered White Rhino, giraffe, antelope, water buffalo, jackals, Pumba, and elephant which came right up to the watering hole in front of our camp.  There is a whole herd of waterbuck bedded down for the night out there right now about 20 yards from our tent.  It is so clear you can actually see the Milky Way.  It is beautiful...wish you all could see this.

Please keep us in your prayers.  We have a couple of sick boys with strep like symptoms.  Luckily, we have the awesome Dr. Lilly with us who is keeping a close eye on them and already has them started on antibiotics.  Please pray nobody else comes down with it.  We definitely don't want anyone feeling miserable on the long plane ride home!  Thank you so much!


Jenni for the group

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday, June 23

Well today was kind of bittersweet.  While we are all clearly exhausted, the main ministry of our trip is now over and I think everyone is a little sad that it is coming to an end.  Today was a great last day.  We spent it with the orphans at the Otto Hoffman center.

This morning we got to the orphanage around 9 and did a full VBS program for them with songs, skits, games, and crafts.  We also were able to take pictures of every girl and give them a copy.  After lunch, we went to the store and bought school supplies for needy girls at a local high school and then went back to the orphanage so we could be there when the delivery truck came with the new mattresses, mosquito nets, chairs, and foot lockers.  The girls did not know this was coming and they were so surprised and excited about it.  We felt their old mattresses and they were so worn out, some of them were only about an inch thick.  We also dedicated a building for their water purification center that they graciously named after Jon and I and TCA.  We told them that it was not from us but from so many hundreds of people back home, who had been moved by The Lord to donate money because He is the great provider and cares for their needs.  It was a very nice gesture though and we were very humbled to accept on behalf of ALL who have given to help support our trip!

After we were done at the orphanage, we went to a secondary school to hand out the school supplies to about 40 girls.  As it normally happens around here, we began singing a few VBS songs and suddenly, there were over 100 girls smushed in one small room with us.  Lauren, Alexis, and Rachel all shared their testimonies and encouraged the girls to seek God.  It was a great way to end the trip as the energy and enthusiasm in that room was almost overwhelming.

We are now back at our hotel repacking for our drive to the safari tomorrow.   We may be out of wifi range again while on safari, but if I am able, I will send an update.  Thank you again for the continued prayers.  This has been one of the smoothest, most cohesive trips we have ever had!  Sorry but my iPad is out of space for photos so I can't add any new ones from today but we are taking thousands of pictures and HOURS of video footage (that I will soon have to sift through and condense into a 15 minute wrap up video).


Jenni Millet

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday, June 22

Hello from Thika!  It's hard to believe that tomorrow will be our last full day of ministry.  Sorry we were out of wifi range the last couple of days while we were in Kajiado but our time there was wonderful.

We got to Kajiado Friday afternoon and then drove in our mega bus up the thorny road to Rurya where Mama Ruth and her tribe live.  There was a huge group of people waiting for us when we arrived and we had a huge celebration with the tribe and dedicated the well that was put in last year.  They turned on the water for us and let everyone stick their hands in it for a minute.  Then we unloaded several huge bags of food we had brought for them, had a quick bite of cooked goat before our journey back down.  The students have come to love our security detail that has travelled with us.  It was quite funny seeing them standing out in the middle of nowhere in Masaai land looking like the guys from Men in Black.  Something you don't see everyday.

Saturday our team visited a school for disabled and an orphanage in Kajiado where the kids sang some of our VBS songs and Jon spoke and encouraged the children there.  At the school for disabled, Jon shared a little of our story with our own children that are disabled and our sweet interpreter, Pastor Charles, got so moved that he had to step outside for a moment to compose himself.  Saturday afternoon, our group went out to a Masaai shopping market and enjoyed seeing all of the fun stuff there.  By the way, if your kid is a boy, he is most likely bringing home either a Masaai knife or spear or weapon of some type.  Sorry - they are boys.

This morning we got up and went to church in a new church Pastor Charles has just planted in the middle of Kajiado.  Chris and Taylor both shared their testimonies and Jerry Fudge preached.  We took turns singing songs between us and their choir.  It was a really neat experience.  After church,  we drove here to Thika and got checked into our hotel.  We ate a quick lunch and headed over to the Otto Hoffman home for girls.  We didn't have a whole lot of time there today but sang some songs and did all the introductions.  We will be going back tomorrow to present a short version of VBS and to present the items we were able to purchase through the generous donations from sales at Big Blue (the TCA school store) and proceeds from the 5th grade Roman Forum.  The money from those two things bought each of the girls at Otto Hoffman a new, thicker mattress (the old ones were thin and worn), a new mosquito net, a foot trunk, and a chair.  These will be delivered and presented tomorrow afternoon while we are there.  Also, we will be dedicating a water purification system that we had been fundraising for as well.

Just a brief history of the Otto Hoffman Center.  It is run by a Christian woman named Jane who saw the need to rescue some young girls she saw living on the streets.  Some had come from slavery, some had run away from the sex trade, some were just orphans and many other tragic stories.  Jane had this passion to help, because she, herself, had been abandoned and lived on the streets as a young child.  A kind German man named Otto Hoffman rescued her and a few other girls by taking them into his home with his family.  She named the center after him and currently has about 30 girls living there.  She also provides feeding to about 30 other kids who live in the nearby slums every day.  Please continue to keep her and this ministry in your prayers.

There are clearly SO many opportunities here to meet needs.   We are so grateful to have been used in some small part while we are here.  Jon and I have a hope that we will instill a passion in our students for missions and that their time here will draw them closer to Christ.  Thank you for your continued prayers.


Jenni for the team

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday June 19

Today was our last day here at Scott.  We had a beautiful memorial service this morning for Tobias Kim and then went on to finish digging at the worksite and to finish painting at Springs of Hope Orphanage.  Debbie finished her three day program with the girls at the orphanage and it was such a blessing to see the transformation and healing that took place after they were able to finally name the pain they have suffered and nail it to the cross for Christ to carry.

This afternoon was the final day of our VBS program and we think many came to Christ and will hopefully begin going to church and growing in their faith.  We had a quick dinner and then shared our evening worship and fellowship time with our guides who have been working here with us at Scott all week.  The students have grown to love them and we will all miss them as we move on to another area.

Tomorrow morning we head out for Kajiado to have a dedication of the well that was put in last year (which didn't hit water until after we had left).  We will also be doing a food relief project for them.  It will be about a three hour drive so please pray for safety as we travel.

We may not have any wifi service for several days so don't worry if you don't hear updates for the next couple of days.  Thank you for your continued prayers.


Jenni for the group

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wednesday, June 18

James 4: 7-8a
"Submit therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

Ephesians 6: 10-13
"Finally, be strong in The Lord, and in the strength of His might.  Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the full armor of God,  that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm."

Tonight we are asking you to please intercede for us and bathe our team in prayer.  The students have all collectively  expressed feeling a sense of spiritual battle that they have never experienced before and admitted to having some fears about that.  We have prayed over the group, over our dorm, and claimed the power of the Holy Spirit.  Jon and I have found that whenever there is a lot of effective ministry going on, and souls about to be claimed for Christ, there is always a strong sense of spiritual battle going on around us.  That just tells us that God has us where He wants us, and that our ministry is clearly making a difference.  We are in a spiritual battle that somehow is seen more clearly here, and ask that you please pray over us and the people we are working with for the next couple of weeks.

Today was another packed, busy day.  Digging, painting at the orphanage, working with the girls there and then heading into another HUGE group of kids at VBS.  We feel like it's taking all our energy just to do crowd control, but our TCA kids are doing a great job keeping things fun and organized...or at least "controlled chaos".  Tomorrow is our final day of VBS here, and the story is a clear gospel message of Christ.  We will be inviting the kids to receive Christ and encouraging them to get involved in a local church.

Tomorrow is our last full day here at Scott.  In the morning we will be having a memorial service in honor of Tobias Kim, one of our TCA kids that was on our 2011 and 2012 teams.  We will be planting a fruit tree near the Kindergarten, which is where we worked the years that he came on the trip.  We wanted to plant something that would give shade and produce fruit, so that it will continue giving to the community.  We are also putting up an engraved marker in honor of his service as well.  It will be an emotional day for many of us.  We also have to wrap up all our ministries here, and pack up everything to leave early Friday for Kijiado and then Thika.

I am happy to report that Jon just returned from the airport with Kim Morton and James Lilly both safe and sound so now we can get some rest tonight and prepare for more excitement tomorrow!

Thank you so much for your faithful prayer!


Jenni for the group

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday, June 17

Soooooo tired!  Today was amazing, exhausting, and so much fun!  Started out with breakfast and devotionals from our good friend Dr. Fudge who walked us through some logical mathematical reasons to rely on the accuracy and consistency of the Bible.  Got an early start on the work project and a small group went to the orphanage to start painting.

Thank you to those who prayed for the girls at the orphanage.  Debbie did a wonderful job of taking them through the trauma healing curriculum and letting them know they are loved.  We will be going back tomorrow and Thursday where they will be invited to leave all their pain at the cross.

We barely had time for lunch and rushed off to Masaku School for Disabled for a HUGE celebration and dedication of their new bus.  We have been fundraising for this for several years so it was very rewarding to get to see it delivered to the school today and celebrate with them.  Thank you to all our teams and donors over the past several years who have been a part of that effort.

We rushed back from that and we're greeted by about 70 kids already lined up early for VBS.  We had a little over 300 kids show up today, which was slightly overwhelming but exciting!   We brought a portable photo printer this year and have been taking pictures of each child that we can print out and give to them on Thursday.  The students are doing a great job with all areas of VBS.

Please keep Kim Morton and Dr. James Lilly in your prayers as they are in the air on their way to meet up with us tomorrow night.  We are excited for them to be joining us.

I just fell asleep while typing so I think that's all for tonight!


Jenni for the group