TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday, June 23

Well today was kind of bittersweet.  While we are all clearly exhausted, the main ministry of our trip is now over and I think everyone is a little sad that it is coming to an end.  Today was a great last day.  We spent it with the orphans at the Otto Hoffman center.

This morning we got to the orphanage around 9 and did a full VBS program for them with songs, skits, games, and crafts.  We also were able to take pictures of every girl and give them a copy.  After lunch, we went to the store and bought school supplies for needy girls at a local high school and then went back to the orphanage so we could be there when the delivery truck came with the new mattresses, mosquito nets, chairs, and foot lockers.  The girls did not know this was coming and they were so surprised and excited about it.  We felt their old mattresses and they were so worn out, some of them were only about an inch thick.  We also dedicated a building for their water purification center that they graciously named after Jon and I and TCA.  We told them that it was not from us but from so many hundreds of people back home, who had been moved by The Lord to donate money because He is the great provider and cares for their needs.  It was a very nice gesture though and we were very humbled to accept on behalf of ALL who have given to help support our trip!

After we were done at the orphanage, we went to a secondary school to hand out the school supplies to about 40 girls.  As it normally happens around here, we began singing a few VBS songs and suddenly, there were over 100 girls smushed in one small room with us.  Lauren, Alexis, and Rachel all shared their testimonies and encouraged the girls to seek God.  It was a great way to end the trip as the energy and enthusiasm in that room was almost overwhelming.

We are now back at our hotel repacking for our drive to the safari tomorrow.   We may be out of wifi range again while on safari, but if I am able, I will send an update.  Thank you again for the continued prayers.  This has been one of the smoothest, most cohesive trips we have ever had!  Sorry but my iPad is out of space for photos so I can't add any new ones from today but we are taking thousands of pictures and HOURS of video footage (that I will soon have to sift through and condense into a 15 minute wrap up video).


Jenni Millet

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