TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday June 19

Today was our last day here at Scott.  We had a beautiful memorial service this morning for Tobias Kim and then went on to finish digging at the worksite and to finish painting at Springs of Hope Orphanage.  Debbie finished her three day program with the girls at the orphanage and it was such a blessing to see the transformation and healing that took place after they were able to finally name the pain they have suffered and nail it to the cross for Christ to carry.

This afternoon was the final day of our VBS program and we think many came to Christ and will hopefully begin going to church and growing in their faith.  We had a quick dinner and then shared our evening worship and fellowship time with our guides who have been working here with us at Scott all week.  The students have grown to love them and we will all miss them as we move on to another area.

Tomorrow morning we head out for Kajiado to have a dedication of the well that was put in last year (which didn't hit water until after we had left).  We will also be doing a food relief project for them.  It will be about a three hour drive so please pray for safety as we travel.

We may not have any wifi service for several days so don't worry if you don't hear updates for the next couple of days.  Thank you for your continued prayers.


Jenni for the group

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