TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 1

TCA Mission Africa 2014 Video Part 2

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tuesday, June 17

Soooooo tired!  Today was amazing, exhausting, and so much fun!  Started out with breakfast and devotionals from our good friend Dr. Fudge who walked us through some logical mathematical reasons to rely on the accuracy and consistency of the Bible.  Got an early start on the work project and a small group went to the orphanage to start painting.

Thank you to those who prayed for the girls at the orphanage.  Debbie did a wonderful job of taking them through the trauma healing curriculum and letting them know they are loved.  We will be going back tomorrow and Thursday where they will be invited to leave all their pain at the cross.

We barely had time for lunch and rushed off to Masaku School for Disabled for a HUGE celebration and dedication of their new bus.  We have been fundraising for this for several years so it was very rewarding to get to see it delivered to the school today and celebrate with them.  Thank you to all our teams and donors over the past several years who have been a part of that effort.

We rushed back from that and we're greeted by about 70 kids already lined up early for VBS.  We had a little over 300 kids show up today, which was slightly overwhelming but exciting!   We brought a portable photo printer this year and have been taking pictures of each child that we can print out and give to them on Thursday.  The students are doing a great job with all areas of VBS.

Please keep Kim Morton and Dr. James Lilly in your prayers as they are in the air on their way to meet up with us tomorrow night.  We are excited for them to be joining us.

I just fell asleep while typing so I think that's all for tonight!


Jenni for the group

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